1991 Major: Economics and Public Policy Studies
"I arrived at Duke thinking I'd be a math major until multi-variate calculus helped me understand I was looking for something more applied. While providing an outlet for my inner number-cruncher, the econ track lent itself to interdisciplinary studies, and I found myself exploring different course offerings that provided practical application of the economics building blocks. I took advantage of a study abroad program through the econ department that permitted analysis of different public policy initiatives to assess their societal merit. It felt great to put my learnings to work and try to improve conditions impacting people's daily lives. As my career has traversed its own pathway, the econ foundation has allowed me to pursue opportunities that perhaps I wouldn't have seen without my academic background. (Picture on right: I'm a Board member of Peruvian Palm Holdings, a business that provides employment for nearly 2,000 people in the Amazon.)"
"1. Take advantage of office hours. Your professors are amazing and want to interact with young minds exploring their burgeoning intellectual curiosity. 2. Mix 'n match with other disciplines. Economics does not work in a vacuum. Whether it's hard sciences, social sciences or even the arts department, economics works well with others and can provide light for a number of academic journeys. 3. Get out there & apply the lessons from the classroom. Whether in Durham or abroad, the world needs smart, engaged people to address seemingly intractable challenges."