Counterfactual Modeling of Multispecies Fisheries Outcomes under Market-Based RegulationBirkenbach, AM; Lee, MY; Smith, MD Policy and market forces delay real estate price declines on the US coast.McNamara, DE; Smith, MD; Williams, Z; Gopalakrishnan, S; Landry, CE Globalization, Trade Imbalances, and Labor Market Adjustment*Dix-Carneiro, R; Pessoa, JP; Reyes-Heroles, R; Traiberman, S Globalization, trade imbalances and inequalityDix-Carneiro, R; Traiberman, S A Delegation-Based Theory of ExpertiseAmbrus, A; Baranovskyi, V; Kolb, A Changes across cohorts in wage returns to schooling and early work experiencesAshworth, J; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Ransom, T Rationalizing rational expectations: Characterizations and testsD'Haultfoeuille, X; Gaillac, C; Maurel, A Investments in social ties, risk sharing, and inequalityAmbrus, A; Elliott, M Introduction to the special issue on advances in structural microeconometricsMagnac, T; Maurel, A; Shum, M Estimating the Value of Higher Education Financial Aid: Evidence from a Field ExperimentBelzil, C; Maurel, A; Sidibé, M Globalization, Trade Imbalances and Labor Market AdjustmentDix-Carneiro, R; Pessoa, JP; Reyes-Heroles, R; Traiberman, S Ex ante returns and occupational choiceArcidiacono, P; Joseph Hotz, V; Maurel, A; Romano, T Zakat: Islam’s missed opportunity to limit predatory taxationKuran, T How Acquisitions Affect Firm Behavior and Performance: Evidence from the Dialysis IndustryEliason, PJ; Heebsh, B; McDevitt, RC; Roberts, JW Loss in the time of cholera: Long-run impact of a disease epidemic on the urban landscapeAmbrus, A; Field, E; Gonzalez, R Realized SemicovariancesBollerslev, T; Li, J; Patton, A; Quaedvlieg, R Individual, Dictator, and Democratic punishment in public good games with perfect and imperfect observabilityAmbrus, A; Greiner, B Estimating Selection Models Without Instrument with StataD'Haultfœuille, X; Maurel, A; Qiu, X; Zhang, Y Jump factor models in large cross-sectionsLi, J; Todorov, V; Tauchen, G (Mis)Allocation, Market Power, and Global Oil ExtractionAsker, J; Collard-Wexler, A; De Loecker, J Margins of labor market adjustment to tradeDix-Carneiro, R; Kovak, BK Islam and economic performance: Historical and contemporary linksKuran, T Economic shocks and crime: Evidence from the Brazilian trade liberalizationDix-Carneiro, R; Soares, RR; Ulyssea, G The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children's College Attendance and its ConsequencesHotz, VJ; Wiemers, E; Rasmussen, J; Koegel, K Pagination 1 2 ›› Next page Last » Last page