Other Services

The Economics Learning Center is a drop-in location for students to receive tutoring support for Econ core courses. No appointment is necessary. See the current weekly schedule.

Support is presently limited to Econ 104, Econ 201, Econ 204, and Econ 210, but this changes on a semester-by-semester basis.

PLEASE NOTE:  This semester, room 119 is the location for M, T, Th and room 105 is the location for F, Sat, Sun. 

The Economics Learning Center will not be staffed during Spring break (3/11 - 3/15) but will resume normal hours on Monday, March 18.

If you have questions, please contact dus_asst@econ.duke.edu.

Students who need help outside of class should first attend instructor and TA office hours and any review sessions offered for their particular course. Free tutoring is also available for ECON 101 and 201 through Duke's Peer Tutoring program.

If your needs extend beyond the above options, the EcoTeach Center can also provide a list of undergraduate and graduate students willing to tutor students in core economics courses (ECON 101, 104, 201, 204, 205, and 210). Students seeking a tutor for these courses should send their query to the undergraduate program assistant (requests for the tutoring list must be sent from a valid Duke email address). It is the responsibility of the student to make all arrangements, including hourly rate and payments, with the tutor. For reference: Student tutors typically receive $15 - 25/hour, but set their own hourly rate.  EcoTeach does not sponsor or pay for individual tutoring.