21 January 2010 12:00AM
Saturday, Februrary 6, 8:00-11:00 PM The EGSC Faculty and Ph.D. Student Wine and Cheese party will be held, conveniently, on West Campus at the LGBT Center directly below The Loop. Who could ask for more than tasty wines and savory cheeses, good company and stimulating debates?
This highly anticipated annual event has always been thoroughly enjoyed by scores of graduate students and faculty members that choose to attend. To foster a more collegial environment between faculty and students, we are strongly encouraging all faculty to join us for a classy evening.
From the Social Sciences Building:
Turn left out of the building and head towards the Bryan Center. When you are making the right onto the plaza from the West Campus quad, you will pass underneath a walkway where there are bike racks (If you are on the plaza near the hotdog and popsicle stands, you've gone to far.) To your right is a wooden door, enter this door. Before you will be a staircase, take the staircase down one level. Here you will find a door leading back outside and a corridor to your right. Proceed through the corridor. The first door on your left will be the LBGT Center. For reference, the LGBT center is directly underneath the loop.
Questions? Contact Ralph Mastromonaco.