Courses & Curricular Programs


New course designations as of Fall 2023: The Economics Department has two new designations for financial economics and financial markets courses that were formerly designated as ECON in DukeHub. Courses now designated under FECON (financial economics) emphasize the use of economic analysis to explore the financial sector of the economy and its interaction with the larger economy. Courses now designated under FMKT (financial markets) are geared to students interested in more practical applications related to finance. Learn more and read about the FECON and FMKT requirements for the B.S. Concentration in Financial Economics and Financial Markets Minor.

Spring 2025

All FinTech courses require permission numbers and not all are guaranteed to be available to undergraduates.

We are committed to collaborating with other units, such as the Pratt School of Engineering, to cross-list courses that are relevant to the study of finance.

Fall 2024

Finance Minor and Concentration

For students interested in gaining significant exposure to finance but whose academic focus is in a different discipline, the Department of Economics offers a minor in finance. The minor provides a guided course of study that will make students interested in finance more competitive and prepared during the recruiting process. The finance concentration allows students majoring in economics to be better prepared to compete with students from both liberal arts and undergraduate business programs in securing employment.

For more information about the requirements for the finance minor and concentration, visit our undergraduate program's Majors & Minors page.

Master of Engineering in Financial Technology (FinTech)

The Master of Engineering in FinTech program is a partnership between the Pratt School of Engineering and DFE. People entering finance with an understanding of both the underlying technology and the landscape in which that technology is being applied are in huge and increasing demand. This program prepares students with the technical skills, industry-specific business knowledge, and hands-on experience to deliver innovative technological solutions. Study online or on campus.

Study Away

DFE and Duke's Global Education Office for Undergraduates (GEO) offer two study-away programs, Duke in New York: Financial Markets & Institutions and Duke in London: Finance. Through these programs, students take courses with Duke faculty and connect with the extensive alumni and parent network in New York and London.

 GEO is the initial point of contact for all students wishing to study away.

Duke in New York: Financial Markets and Institutions

This is a liberal arts-based, one-semester program in New York City for Duke undergraduates interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the financial services industry. The most up-to-date information is on the GEO's Duke in New York program page. Watch the video made by a program alum.

Duke in London: Finance

This is a six-week, two-course program in London, England for Duke students interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the financial services industry and global financial markets. London is an ideal setting in which to study these topics, given the city’s role as a center for financial transactions throughout Europe, as well as links to the United States, Asia, and emerging markets. The location likewise offers students a variety of opportunities to interact with Duke alumni living and working in London. For more information, inquire with the Global Education Office.